FERA 2024 wrap-up
As 2024 is coming to an end, FERA reflects on what was a pivotal year in the European affairs landscape. In this particularly active period, FERA published no less than seven joint statements, (co)-organised four events and was invited to speak on fifteen occasions.
This year, FERA has committed itself to promoting the European elections and has carried out a wide-scale campaign to encourage EU citizen to vote. It kicked-off with several contributions, including moderating panels organised by the European Parliament in Berlinale and Cannes Film Festival, and speaking at the “European Elections : Towards a better future for authors” conference. The campaign was carried out through the blog series “A Filmmaker’s Call to Vote in the EU Elections”, in which FERA Board members expressed their perspectives on democratic participation.
Following the elections, FERA published “Culture is Democracy, Democracy is Culture”, a joint call in collaboration with FSE, highlighting the main priorities of audiovisual authors for the new term.
With a new Parliament bringing a new College of Commissioners, FERA followed closely the appointment of the new Commissioners responsible for audiovisual issues in an effort to reshape the EU policy agenda.
Policy-wise, FERA’s efforts were mostly dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, accounting for no less than 7 advocacy initiatives. The AI Act was adopted this year, marking the continuation of the advocacy work to ensure an effective implementation of the text.
Strengthening the MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme has also been an important focus for FERA, aiming to preserve its cultural diversity dimension while adapting to changes in the industry. The cultural exception principle was brought up by FERA Chair Bill Anderson on the occasion of the announcement of the five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award 2025.
Status of the artist was tackled several times, including at the Declaration of Filmmakers “Advocating for authors and filmmakers’ rights in the digital age: The impact of AI on the film industry” panel at the European Parliament. In addition, FERA committed to protect artistic freedom across the world, partnering with ICFR in advocating for filmmakers at risk.
2024 was a year of renewal, as FERA’s new Executive Committee was elected at the annual General Assembly which took place in Málaga in March. An Extraordinary General Assembly was held in September to elect Ken Loach as FERA new Honorary President. Following his nomination, he spoke on AI in filmmaking at FERA’s member Greek Directors Guild 50th anniversary.