FERA at Cannes International Film Festival 2023 – Replay available!

A delegation of the Federation of European Screen Directors travels once again at the Cannes Film festival this year – here is a short selection of events we are involved in, or that were flagged by our members & which could be of interest.
. Friday May 19 @09:30 – Palais des festival Stage -1 & online
Conference “Two Conversations about Equality and Safety of Women in Film” presented by FIA, UNI MEI, SAG-AFTRA & SFA – panel “One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?”
With this panel of industry change-makers, we will take stock of meaningful progress on equal opportunities in film. The newly relaunched Framework of Action on Gender Equality in the Audiovisual sector in Europe reaffirms the commitment of broadcasters, producers and trade unions in the sector to driving progress, but is change happening on the ground? Is the culture really shifting? We ask our panellists to share what is actually making a difference to opportunities for women in the sector and what is still holding them back.
With Anamaria Antoci, Producer & Executive Director European Women’s Audiovisual Network; Claude Garnier, Director of Photography, France & Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ). Moderated by FERA CEO Pauline Durand-Vialle.
More info at https://www.marchedufilm.com/conferences/
>>> Replay available here:
. Friday, May 19th, @13:15 – Pavillon Les Cinémas du Monde (N° 107 International village – Film Market – Cannes)
L’ARP and La SRF Conference, in collaboration with the Institut français and Unifrance
The event follows L’ARP and La SRF Declaration of Filmmakers: By gathering filmmakers from all over the world, this roundtable is an opportunity to discuss the standing of directors and creation in today’s global filmmaking sector, as well as the impact of changing economic models and new technologies, such as algorithms and artificial intelligence, on creative freedom.
Moderated by Marine Francen and Radu Mihaileanu.
. Saturday May 20 @09:30 – Palais des festival The Viewpoint (Lerins)
EU Parliament CULT committee & Lux Audience Award Conference “Let’s talk Democracy! A European Union perspective on the cultural and creative sectors”
Members of the European Parliament in the Committee on Culture will present what has been done to support creative and cultural sector, taking the opportunity to launch a dialogue with the professionals on fostering cultural diversity, supporting freedom of creativity and expression and discussing the challenges faced by the sector. With European Elections in one year, the panel wants to pave the way to develop ideas with Creative and Cultural Sector.
With Laurence Farreng, Member of the European Parliament, Renew Europe Group (France); Evelyn Regner, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) ; Ada Solomon, Producer, Distributor & European Film Academy Deputy Chairwoman. Moderated by FERA CEO Pauline Durand-Vialle.
More info at https://www.marchedufilm.com/conferences/
. Sunday May 21 @16:00 – SPI pavilion, n207 Pantiero International Village
CEPI/SPI panel “Independent producers going through a changing landscape: what future for European cinema?”
Global streamers presence and investment in European original content continues to grow, accompanied by an increasing number of EU countries introducing financial investment obligations in production. What changes is this new evolution bringing to cinema production? Between collaboration with independent producers and service production, the presence of global streamers will continue to bring impact to European cinema production, creating opportunities, but also challenges for independent producers and authors. Looking into story development, finding financial partners and intellectual property retention, what is the future of cinema independent production?
With Alicja Grawon-Jaksik, Polish producer; Pauline Durand-Vialle, FERA CEO; Caroline Nataf, French producer. Moderated by Mathilde Fiquet, CEPI secretary general.
Also in Cannes this year…
Two European Audiovisual Observatory conferences – replay available:
. May 19 – FOCUS 2023: Key trends in the Film Sector session
. May 20 – Conference “The European cinema sector – diverging paths?”
FERA associate member & French Film Agency CNC roundtable – replay available:
. May 21 – SACD x CNC debate: “What future for cinema in the age of artificial intelligence?”