JOINT STATEMENT: Trilogue on future Creative Europe Programme: MEDIA must support audiovisual creators

Brussels, 25 September 2019
The undersigned organisations of audiovisual creators (film and TV directors, audiovisual composers, screenwriters, actors) urge the European Institutions to stand in favor of European creators in the MEDIA Programme.
Committed to its long-standing position in favor of creators, the European Parliament adopted two amendments supporting “European networks of audiovisual creators” as part of the of the MEDIA Programme (amendment 131) and promoting “specific measures to contribute to the fair treatment of creative talent in the audiovisual sector” (amendment 132).
At present, only 1 of the 16 MEDIA support schemes can potentially directly benefit individual creators (Training). As a result, the MEDIA Programme is of very little relevance to individual European creators facing a multiple and diverse challenges ranging from artistic freedom to precarious and unstable working conditions – while such support exists in the Culture programme for creators from other cultural and creative industries.
This imbalance between different actors in the audiovisual value chain is not acceptable. That is the reason why the European Parliament rightfully decided to support creators for the first time in the future Media Programme. Fostering a competitive, and culturally diverse European audiovisual sector also means supporting the creative talent which is at the origin of each European film, documentary or TV series: directors, screenwriters, audiovisual composers, actors, etc.
We therefore urge the European Institutions to seize this opportunity to stand in favor of creators by supporting European networks of audiovisual creators (amendment 131), as adopted by the European Parliament.
We also sincerely hope that the notion of fair treatment of creative talent (amendment 132) will be retained in the MEDIA Programme, as it is a core value which should feature throughout the Programme at all stages of production and distribution.
We very much hope that you will support the amendments mentioned above and we remain at your disposal for any additional information.
EuroFIA – European group of the International Federation of Actors
European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA)
Federation of European Film Directors (FERA)
Download the PDF version of the Joint Statement here.