Launch of European Federation for Costume & Production Design ARTSCENICO
ARTSCENICO, the European Federation for Costume & Production Design, was founded after 3 years of debates and a final meeting in Berlin in November 2018 of 27 artists from 11 countries, speaking on behalf of 13 organisations representing costume and production design professionals in Europe.
*to create a professional network to meet and exchange at a European level
*to promote our professions and defend our rights and accomplishments
*to support our crafts and tools and create a vivid exchange with educational institutions
*to create European activities and publications to make our professions more visible
*to exchange and collaborate with FERA, IMAGO, OISTAT and similar initiatives on common projects
*to support initiatives towards race-, gender- and pay-equality and to fight against any form of abuse in the audiovisual industry
*to support initiatives to reduce the environmental impacts of filming productions
ARTSCENICO’s Board Members:
Alexandra Maringer (AT) – President
Michel Barthelemy (FR) + Anna Lombardi (IT) – Vice- presidents
Chloé Cambournac (FR) + Maximilian Lange (DE) – Secretaries
Olivier Meidinger (DE) + Laurent Teyserre (FR) – Treasurers
Sarah-Maria Fritsche (DE), Laure Lepelley Monbillard (FR), Kirsi Manninen (FI), Marta Fenollar (ES).
ARTSCENICO’s Founding Members:
AAPEE – Asociación des Artistas Plásticos Escénicos de Españia – Spain
ADC – Association des Chefs Décorateurs de Cinéma – France
AFCCA – Association Française des Costumiers du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel – France
APCEN – Associação Portuguesa de Cenografia – Portugal
ASC – Associazione di categoria professionale Scenografi, Costumisti e Arredatori – Italy
BFDG – British Film Designers Guild – Great Britain
DS – Danske Scenografer – Denmark
MAD – Métiers Associés du Décor – France
SSFV – Schweizer Syndikat Film und Video – Switzerland
TEME LP – Theatre, Film and Television Designers – Finland
VdRSD – Verband der Requisiteure und Set Decorator – Germany
VSK- Verband der Berufsgruppen Szenenbild und Kostümbild – Germany
VÖF – Verband Österreichischer FilmausstatterInnen – Austria
July 4, 2019