NEWS FROM FERA MEMBERS: 11th March, 2019 ARAS (CZ) Assembly vote for FERA letter to the Members of the European Parliament

Dear Members of the European Parliament,
We are some of the European creators and performers the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market will impact most. Our films, plays, books, articles, music, drawings, paintings, sculptures, photos, choreographies and other forms of art are a source of wealth and pride for European culture. Our art is both our passion and our profession.
For people to continue enjoying European culture in today’s digital environment, and for us to be able to make a living as creators, we urgently need you to adopt the Copyright Directive.
The directive creates a much-needed level playing field between us, the creators, and those who communicate and distribute our works on different media and platforms. It is a matter of mutual respect, of sharing the financial risks as well as the rewards. It is essential to the sustainability and cultural diversity of Europe’s creative sector.
To retain Europe’s best creators and talents, we must protect their rights and their livelihoods. We cannot afford to wait another decade for the copyright legislation to be adapted to the digital environment. We therefore urgently call on you, Members of the European Parliament, to say yes to this reform.
Association of Czech Film Directors, Screenwriters and Dramaturgists (ARAS) unanonymous vote by the Assembly held on Prague 11th March, 2019 www.aras.cz.
Joining Federation of European Film Directors (FERA)
11 March 2019
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