Nordic Regional Meeting
On January 22 and 23, Swedish Film Directors invited representatives from directors’ organisations in the five Nordic countries (Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden) who together form the Coalition of Nordic Film Directors (SNF – Samenslutningen av Nordiske Filmregissører). SNF usually meets 1 – 2 times per year. FERA CEO Elisabeth O. Sjaastad was present at the Stockholm meeting.
After an open meeting with members from the Swedish directors’ associations in Stockholm, giving a country-by-country update (including FERA), SNF moved on to the scenic Såstaholm estate to share more detailed information about the current situation in each country and discussing what could be done to improve it. More than pure information exchange, the main goal of the seminar was inspiration: a sharing of experiences that could be put to use by all of the associations.
Elisabeth O. Sjaastad presented the current FERA projects and priorities, urging the Nordic countries to join forces and choose a common project to work on in 2010. The representatives also talked about authors’ rights, salary levels, final cut and the way the national film consultants, who choose what films to support, work in the different countries.(Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en anglais)
On January 22 and 23, Swedish Film Directors invited representatives from directors’ organisations in the five Nordic countries (Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden) who together form the Coalition of Nordic Film Directors (SNF – Samenslutningen av Nordiske Filmregissører). SNF usually meets 1 – 2 times per year. FERA CEO Elisabeth O. Sjaastad was present at the Stockholm meeting.
After an open meeting with members from the Swedish directors’ associations in Stockholm, giving a country-by-country update (including FERA), SNF moved on to the scenic Såstaholm estate to share more detailed information about the current situation in each country and discussing what could be done to improve it. More than pure information exchange, the main goal of the seminar was inspiration: a sharing of experiences that could be put to use by all of the associations.
Elisabeth O. Sjaastad presented the current FERA projects and priorities, urging the Nordic countries to join forces and choose a common project to work on in 2010. The representatives also talked about authors’ rights, salary levels, final cut and the way the national film consultants, who choose what films to support, work in the different countries.