FERA Holds First Internal Webinar on COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines on Set

FERA held its first internal webinar “Love in the time of Corona: Developing Health and Safety Guidelines on Set, A Directors’ Perspective” on May 15, 2020. It was introduced and moderated by FERA Chair Klemen Dvornik and gathered approximately 40 participants from within our network.
The webinar aimed at bringing to the fore the directors’ take on the health and safety guidelines being developed throughout Europe as the audiovisual sector gears up to resume production: such guidelines are bound to have a significant impact on directors’ work, as they will challenge their creative space, affect the quality of the audiovisual works produced and the experience of the audience.
FERA CEO Pauline Durand-Vialle and board member Birgitte Stærmose introduced the discussion with an overview of FERA’s approach to the issue and general trends in the development of first protocols across the EU. Keynote interventions by Bill Anderson (Directors UK), Laurent Jaoui (Groupe 25 Images, France), Hrvoje Hribar (DHFR, Croatia) and Christina Rosendahl (DFD, Denmark) provided perspectives from various countries.
The webinar concluded with a call for FERA members to keep on sending information about health and safety guidelines from their countries to FERA Office and the promise for a second webinar.